
Igloo Crowd
As of September 1st, 2024
Types of Investments
What is Igloo Crowd ?
**Igloo Crowd is no longer in operation. All information presented is for archival and informational purposes.**
Igloo Crowd is an online property crowdfunding platform that offers investment opportunities in buy-to-let and buy-to-sell property projects. This means that investors receive income from either rental income or from when the property is sold. These are equity-based investments. Fees are determined by which type of investment you make. The minimum investment is £100.
Igloo Crowd is unavailable to residents of the US, Canada, or Asia. Igloo Crowd was incorporated in 2017. Igloo Crowd is a trading name of PropTech Crowd, an appointed representative of Share In Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (No. 603332).
Who can invest
Is the Platform Regulated?
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Financial Conduct Authority
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Platform factsheet

Investments overview

United Kingdom - Discover the Real Estate Crowdfunding Market

Real Estate Crowdfunding Guide
Our team at BrikkApp has created this guide to take you through the entire investment process with helpful insights, explanations, and materials that will help you choose the best real estate crowdfunding investments.