
As of September 1st, 2024
Types of Investments
What is Beefordeal ?
Beefordeal is an online real estate crowdfunding platform that provides financing for loans to developers for real estate projects. Investors are able to invest in both commercial and residential properties via bonds. Investors are grouped in an investment holding company specially created for the project. It is this investment holding company that invests in the operation and issues the bond to the project operator. The operator reimburses the investors (capital and interest) at the end of the operation. The minimum investment is €1,000.
Anyone can invest with Beefordeal. Beefordeal was founded in 2016. Beefordeal is a Participative Investment Advisor registered with the Organization for the Single Register of Bank and Finance Insurance Intermediaries (ORIAS) (No. 17003713).
Who can invest
Is the Platform Regulated?
Learn more about regulations
The Organization for the Single Register of Intermediaries in Insurance, Banking and Finance
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Investments overview

France - Discover the Real Estate Crowdfunding Market

French Real Estate Crowdfunding Report 2020
The French real estate crowdfunding market is one of the largest in Europe.
Featured report insight: The total volume of funded projects by investors is over €500 million in France.

Real Estate Crowdfunding Guide
Our team at BrikkApp has created this guide to take you through the entire investment process with helpful insights, explanations, and materials that will help you choose the best real estate crowdfunding investments.