
As of September 1st, 2024
Types of Investments
What is Housers ?
Housers is an online real estate crowdfunding platform that is one of the biggest in the European market. The platform offers primarily residential property investments throughout Europe but does have some commercial and industrial projects available. Housers offers both equity and loan projects. These opportunities are buy-to-sell, buy-to-let, or development loan projects. Investors earn income from rent, capital appreciation, or fixed interest payments depending on investment type. The minimum investment is €50.
Housers is open to all types of investors. Housers was founded in 2015. Housers is regulated and authorized by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
Who can invest
Is the Platform Regulated?
Learn more about regulations
The National Securities Market Commission
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Investments overview

Spain - Discover the Real Estate Crowdfunding Market

Spanish Real Estate Crowdfunding Report 2020
The Spanish real estate crowdfunding market is one of the largest in Europe.
Featured report insight: Investors can expect to earn around 10% return on their investments in Spain.

Informe del Mercado Español de Crowdfunding Inmobiliario 2020
El Mercado Español de Crowdfunding Inmobiliario es uno de los más grandes en Europa.
Apunte destacado del informe: Los inversores pueden esperar un retorno cercano al 10% para sus inversiones en España